Liturgical Ministry Resources

Have questions? Contact Brent Villalobos for information.


To best accommodate people’s schedules, we use a volunteer form. This way, people can serve at Masses they usually attend. We ask that ministers volunteer at least once a month. There is no limit to how many Masses you can serve (the more the better!).

We use SignupGenius for volunteering. Weekend Masses for the upcoming month are usually posted at the end of the current month.

All Ministers: Saint Robert’s Parish, Mass Assignments (

Note that weekday Masses aren’t scheduled through this system. They are handled manually. Lectors and EMs have volunteered for specific days of the week.


The scheduler sends an email on Friday about the upcoming Masses and any additional information. SignupGenius also sends reminders a few days in advance to people who have volunteered. It also provides calendar integration if ministers so choose.

We maintain distribution lists via Google Groups for lectors and EMs. This way, if people need to find a last-minute substitute or have a comment/question for the group, they can email the entire group and not have to dig up past emails for people to contact.


Here’s a video from our most recent training given by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Please watch it if you’re a new liturgical minister or need a refresher.

Additional Lector Training

Full disclosure, I haven’t watched all of this training video. But from the quick review, he seems to hit all the relevant points about being a good lector.

Lectoring: Step by Step

  1. Arrive 15 minutes early to make sure the lectionary is at the ambo and turned to the correct page. Review Prayers of the Faithful and Announcements
  2. Take the Gospel back to the vestibule. Greet people as they walk in
  3. If there is a deacon, he’ll carry the Gospel. Otherwise, carry it over your head and process down the aisle
  4. If you are carrying the Gospel, place it on the altar. If you’re not carrying it, stand at the front of the altar and bow along with the presiding priest
  5. Either take a seat behind the ambo or in one of the front pews
  6. If there’s a children’s liturgy, wait for the priest to bless and dismiss the children.
  7. Proclaim the First Reading.
  8. If you’re the only lector, sit at a chair behind the ambo during the Responsorial Psalm. Otherwise, return to the pews.
  9. Proclaim the Second Reading. Put the lectionary off to the side of the ambo and return to your pew
  10. After the homily, walk up to the ambo and recite the Creed with the congregation
  11. Read the Prayers of the Faithful
  12. At the end, announce the second collection and return to your pew
  13. If you are delivering announcements, sit behind the ambo at the conclusion of Communion
  14. Deliver the announcements, remain at the ambo through the final blessing
  15. Process out in front of the presiding priest

Lector Reminders

  • Wear proper Mass attire.
  • Practice your readings out loud a few days before your Mass if you can.
  • Practice both readings even when two people volunteer.
  • If you’re proclaiming the reading just before the Gospel, put the lectionary to the side of the ambo when you finish.
  • Proclaim slowly; if it feels too slow then it’s probably the correct pace.
  • You don’t need to announce “1st Reading”, “2nd Reading”, “announcements”, or the readings’ chapter and verse.
  • Adjust the microphone and your volume so everyone can hear you.
  • Speak clearly – you’re proclaiming to a group, not talking to an individual.
  • Look up occasionally.
  • Insert a pause after announcing the reading (“A reading from…”) and before saying “The Word of the Lord…”.
  • Return to the pews after your reading.
  • As soon as the homily is finished, come up to the ambo to recite the Creed and stay through the Prayers of the Faithful.
  • Usual Sunday Mass assignments – 1st reading/announcements and 2nd reading/Prayers of the Faithful.
  • Don’t bow before the altar when carrying the Gospel (Jesus doesn’t bow to Jesus).

EM Reminders

  • Wear proper Mass attire.  If you’re not wearing proper attire, don’t serve even if we’re shorthanded.
  • Apply hand sanitizer as you present yourself at the altar after you receive Communion, and after distributing Communion (so any crumbs are dissolved).
  • If someone is receiving a blessing, say “May Jesus be in your heart.”
  • Don’t touch or make the Sign of the Cross over someone receiving a blessing.
  • Place your ciborium on the corporal after distributing Communion.
  • Clean any vessels used during Communion in the sacrarium, not the ordinary sink.
  • If a host isn’t consumed because it’s dropped or breaks apart, consume it yourself or dissolve it in the sacrarium.
  • If someone you don’t recognize as an EM asks for additional hosts (for distributing Communion to the homebound for example), ask them to see the pastor after Mass.
  • Someone receiving extra hosts to give to the homebound must have a pix.
  • Don’t bow before the altar when carrying the Eucharist (Jesus doesn’t bow to Jesus).
  • Decide with the other EMs where you’re distributing Communion before Mass, not at the altar
  • Only say, “The Body (or Blood) of Christ”, nothing more, to the one receiving Communion.
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