Altar Servers


Altar servers play a significant role in the Catholic Church both within the parish community and for individuals. Altar servers actively participate in the liturgy during Mass and other sacramental celebrations. By assisting the priest, they contribute to the overall worship experience. They serve as role models for younger members of the parish. When children and teens see their peers actively involved in the Mass, it inspires them to participate more fully. Altar servers gain a deeper understanding of the liturgy, which can strengthen their faith and spiritual life.

Altar serving at Saint Robert’s

Saint Robert’s has 1 to 3 altar servers at each Sunday Mass. Additionally, altar servers are needed for other Masses such as school Mass, funerals, etc. Schedules are published a month in advance and are flexible based on your preferences and availability. It is a fantastic way for children and their families to get involved in the parish.

Requirements for altar serving

Altar serving is available to both boys and girls who are:

  1. Fourth grade and older
  2. Attend Saint Roberts school or is a parishioner
  3. Regularly attend Sunday Mass
  4. Has received First Communion
  5. Attend required training
  6. Can serve at least one Mass a month
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